Learn about natural dog health and why traditional food is bad for your dog

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?
Many dogs enjoy nibbling on grass, and while they may only spend a few minutes a day doing it, it can still cause concern for dog owners. When your dog Read More..
Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?
Many dogs enjoy nibbling on grass, and while they may only spend a few minutes a day doing it, it Read More..

How Your Dog's Ears Can Indicate Gut Health Issues
Your dog's overall health might be more closely linked to their gut than you think. From muscle function to kidney health, and even behaviour, the gut plays a crucial role Read More..
How Your Dog's Ears Can Indicate Gut Health Issues
Your dog's overall health might be more closely linked to their gut than you think. From muscle function to kidney Read More..

How Often Should I Feed My Dog?
Determining the right feeding routine for your dog can be a bit of a minefield. While some dogs thrive on regular meals, others might benefit from less frequent feeding or Read More..
How Often Should I Feed My Dog?
Determining the right feeding routine for your dog can be a bit of a minefield. While some dogs thrive on Read More..

Flea and Tick Products and Their Risks
As a responsible pet owner, protecting your dog from fleas and ticks is crucial, but with so many options available, it’s important to understand exactly what you are giving or Read More..
Flea and Tick Products and Their Risks
As a responsible pet owner, protecting your dog from fleas and ticks is crucial, but with so many options available, Read More..

Should You Freeze Meat Before Feeding It to Your Dog?
When preparing a raw diet for your dog, ensuring food safety is a priority. For DIY raw feeders, a key question often arises: Should you freeze meat before feeding it Read More..
Should You Freeze Meat Before Feeding It to Your Dog?
When preparing a raw diet for your dog, ensuring food safety is a priority. For DIY raw feeders, a key Read More..

Can My Dog Eat Grains and Legumes?
When it comes to feeding our dogs, the debate over whether grains and legumes should be part of their diet has become increasingly prominent. Whilst these ingredients are common in Read More..
Can My Dog Eat Grains and Legumes?
When it comes to feeding our dogs, the debate over whether grains and legumes should be part of their diet Read More..

Are Blueberries Good for Dogs?
Blueberries are not only a delicious snack for humans but also offer numerous health benefits for dogs. Packed with vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants, they can be a great addition to Read More..
Are Blueberries Good for Dogs?
Blueberries are not only a delicious snack for humans but also offer numerous health benefits for dogs. Packed with vitamins, Read More..

What bones should I be feeding my dog?
Whether you're an experienced raw feeder or simply looking to add raw bones to your dog’s diet for dental care, understanding the right way to do so can be overwhelming. Read More..
What bones should I be feeding my dog?
Whether you're an experienced raw feeder or simply looking to add raw bones to your dog’s diet for dental care, Read More..

Can My Dog Eat Grains and Legumes?
When it comes to feeding our dogs, the debate over whether grains and legumes should be part of their diet has become increasingly prominent. Whilst these ingredients are common in Read More..
Can My Dog Eat Grains and Legumes?
When it comes to feeding our dogs, the debate over whether grains and legumes should be part of their diet Read More..

Keeping Your Dog Hydrated in a Heatwave
Dogs, just like humans, are vulnerable to the adverse effects of heat, and dehydration can quickly escalate into a life-threatening situation. Here’s how to keep your dog cool and hydrated Read More..
Keeping Your Dog Hydrated in a Heatwave
Dogs, just like humans, are vulnerable to the adverse effects of heat, and dehydration can quickly escalate into a life-threatening Read More..

Seed Oils in Dog Food: What Are the Risks?
If you’ve followed any human nutritionist on Instagram in the last year, you will have seen the huge uproar regarding seed oils. Typically dog nutrition follows on from discoveries in Read More..
Seed Oils in Dog Food: What Are the Risks?
If you’ve followed any human nutritionist on Instagram in the last year, you will have seen the huge uproar regarding Read More..